Innate Trigger : The Walls of the Grids

Innate Trigger : The Walls of the Grids

The Grids are the greatest construction achievement of the human species.
It is the most ambitious plan ever devised by mankind in terms of political engineering, unfortunately intended for malicious purposes.
They are essentially prisons with the size of continents, and within each Grid, there are megacities that encompass the old countries as we knew them, along with their respective peoples and populations.
The old borders of each country no longer apply, as the Grids and the megacities essentially divide the planet into specific zones.

The Grids and the megacities are as follows:

Europe – 3 megacities with a population of 180,519,300.
North Africa – 4 megacities with a population of 208,337,754.
South Africa – 3 megacities with a population of 122,641,040.
North America – 4 megacities with a population of 211,558,125.
South America – 2 megacities with a population of 164,519,864.
Oceania – 3 megacities with a population of 149,256,117.
East Asia – 3 megacities with a population of 182,459,673.
West Asia – 3 megacities with a population of 178,254,359.

At the end of each Grid, there are walls that isolate the megacities from the outside world, which are now the wastelands where the remnants of the old world exist, continent by continent. These are colossal walls equipped with monitoring and guarding systems, and the rulers have a specific security force that mans the lookout posts and all those checkpoints.
Their purpose is to prevent anyone from entering or leaving the Grids, something that held true until the first uprising in the North American Grid.

Innate Trigger : The Walls of the Grids
Release date : 11- 5 – 2023
Music by : Innate Trigger

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