Innate Trigger – Manuel’s struggle

Innate Trigger – Manuel’s struggle

In the depths of the European Grid inside the Megacity 3, amidst the looming shadows of towering skyscrapers, Manuel, a Spanish-born ex-police officer, grappled with his inner demons. Having staunchly refused to join the ranks of the oppressive ruler’s army, he found himself entangled in a different kind of battle one against his own urges and temptations. Once a slave to alcohol, Manuel had clawed his way out of the depths of addiction, only to find himself teetering on the precipice once more. In a world where drugs and alcohol were strictly forbidden, the allure of the implant chips, promising to simulate the euphoria of intoxication, gnawed at his resolve.Every day was a struggle, as Manuel wrestled with the relentless cravings clawing at the recesses of his mind. The memory of his past struggles served as both a beacon of hope and a crushing weight upon his shoulders. He knew all too well the destructive power of addiction, yet the void left behind begged to be filled. As he navigated the labyrinthine streets of Megacity 3 of the European Grid, Manuel witnessed the desperation of the implant junkies, their hollow eyes betraying the depths of their dependence. The temptation to succumb to the same fate loomed large, a constant reminder of his own vulnerability.

But amidst the chaos and turmoil of the city, Manuel found solace in the memories of his former life the laughter of loved ones, the warmth of companionship, and the simple joys of existence untainted by artificial highs. It was these memories that anchored him, offering a lifeline amidst the turbulent sea of temptation. With each passing day, Manuel forged ahead, his resolve strengthened by the echoes of his past and the flickering hope of a better future. Though the road ahead was fraught with peril and uncertainty, he refused to be shackled by the chains of addiction once more.  Amidst the clamor of chaos and the whispers of temptation, Manuel stood resolute, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human soul. For in his struggle lay the seed of rebellion, a silent defiance against the tyranny of addiction and the oppressive forces that sought to ensnare him. And though the path ahead was fraught with peril, Manuel vowed to reclaim his freedom, one step at a time.

Innate Trigger : Manuel’s struggle
Release date : 9 – 2 – 2024
Music by : Innate Trigger

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