Innate Trigger – Make your choice now (Re-recorded)

Innate Trigger – Make your choice now (Re-recorded)

Albert Camus wrote, “Life is a sum of all your choices.”And that is one big ..cold..truth.
Sometimes easy..sometimes tricky .. and sometimes can be deadly.
Fatal for the one who made the wrong choice at the wrong place and time.
Maybe there is so much more to choose in your future..but that depends.. have you ever think
how many choices are left for you?
There is that moment for that rebel… he has to choose ..
Run away ?
Stay and fight ?
Blend with the crowd ?
Stay hidden ?
That that one moment.. Will he stay alive …or be killed ?
Or even worse .. get arrested and interrogated .. so that he will end up like a
subject for experimentation..

Innate Trigger – Make your choice now
Re-recorded – 23-8-2022
Music by – Innate Trigger

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