Innate Trigger – The reality of it all

Innate Trigger – The reality of it all

” Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it…doesn’t go away ”
– Philip K. Dick

Life before and after the Grids was almost like a different state of existence.
When the sovereigns plan was revealed the deceived ones all over the world understood that not only they were to be detained inside the Grid prison-states but also from time to time people started to disappear.. without any clues to what could happened to them.
The people started to get organized and with any way that they could.. they started to demand for answers and to protest.
Some became more aggressive and suggested to begin the formation of a resistance.
Like any other moment in human history people all over the world had to face the reality and react.
From that moment in time the resistance spread all over the Grid prison-states and it was just a mater of time until one of the Grids became a half destroyed continent size battlefield.
Some people just didn’t had the will to fight for their freedom and denied to become members of the resistance army.
Or dare to face the wastelands outside the Grids.
In any case.. reality .. doesn’t go away no matter what you choose to do or what to believe.

Innate Trigger – The reality of it all
Release date – 27 – 8 – 2022
Music by – Innate Trigger

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