Innate Trigger – Indomitable

Innate Trigger – Indomitable

After the initial uprising and subsequent rebellions, the rulers realized that their old tactics were no longer effective. They decided to employ massive and destructive measures to shock the resistance into action. Entire sections of the Grids were obliterated, once-thriving cities reduced to smoldering ruins. The rulers calculated that the resistance, driven by a sense of duty, would emerge as rescuers for the survivors trapped in the wreckage. The resistance, however, was not easily outmaneuvered. They were a well-organized and cautious force, experts at leaving no trace of their presence, whether in the tangible world or the digital realm. Still, the rulers understood that even the most vigilant could sometimes falter, their vigilance worn down by the weight of memories of carelessness and the desire for freedom.

It was in those fleeting moments of vulnerability that the rulers struck, capturing or eliminating rebels. Among the resistance, some fighters lived a dual life. Their physical bodies inhabited the tangible world, while their minds, spirits, and unyielding will for freedom fought relentlessly in the digital battlefield. They played a pivotal role in the resistance, launching audacious attacks on the enemy’s information and communication network. The struggle for freedom in this digital dystopia raged on, a constant battle between the rulers’ overwhelming might and the rebels’ unwavering determination. The echoes of resistance reverberated through the Grid, a testament to the indomitable human spirit’s quest for liberation.

Innate Trigger – Indomitable
Release date – 13 – 10 – 2023
Music by – Innate Trigger

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