Innate Trigger – Night sky

Innate Trigger – Night sky

Yesterday’s events made him wonder.
Except for all the things that he has to think about surviving the journey to his destination.
From the moment he saw the cars and heard the gunshots he started to think about it.
It is certain that he is not alone in the wastelands.
Apart from what he learned while in the Grid about the people who chose not to accept the offer of the rulers and not to limit themselves inside the colossal continents – prisons.
He had thought about the possibility of meeting people like him on the trip with the same thoughts and the same purpose that he has.
As well as the fact that he will have to fight for his life in case he meet people with hostile intentions.
When he heard the shots last night and saw the cars running, he began to wonder a lot.
Who was in these cars?
Why they wanted so badly to stop the car that they were chasing?
What could make someone to escape by putting in danger his life and why;
In the Wastelands you are free to do as you wish and live your every day without restrictions and rules.
So tonight he choose to camp with his friend and observe the night sky ..and wonder.

Innate Trigger – Night sky
Release date –  28 – 9 – 2022
Music by – Innate Trigger

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