In the neon-drenched streets of Megacity 3, nestled within the European Grid, a shadowy figure moved between the labyrinthine alleys, leaving whispers of dread in his wake. Decius, a former occult enthusiast from the Old World, had become something far more sinister within the Grid reality. Once a dreamer who dabbled in the arcane and the digital, he had transformed into a key player among the dark undercurrents of the new dystopian order. Before the Rulers’ Plan reshaped existence, Decius’ obsession with mysticism and malevolent programming had been confined to the dimlight of his cluttered workshop. There, he’d fused rituals with code,crafting software that seemed to breathe malice. But when the Grid was activated, merging humanity with the digital ether, Decius found his calling. He was no longer a mere dabbler he became a harbinger. Within Megacity 3, Decius established the Cult of Shadow Logic, a sectthat sought to ascend to godhood.He and his followers believed that by harnessing the darkest corners of the digital realm,they could transcend their human forms and become Dark Gods entities of pure code and infinite will. Draped in flowing robes adorned with pulsating lines of cryptic code, the cult chanted in corrupted languages,their ceremonies blending ancient rites with digital sorcery. The Rulers took notice. Where most saw the cults as threats, the Rulers saw tools. Decius and others like him across the Grid were granted forbidden knowledge and access to classified systems, forming a fragile alliance. In return, the sects helped enforce the Rulers’ dystopian control, weaving chaos into submission. Decius’ influence spread like a virus. He manipulated the city’s vast infrastructure, from power grids to neural interfaces, sowing fear and obedience. He fed the masses dreams of apotheosis, promising that surrendering to the Shadow Logic would lead to liberation. But for Decius, the truth was more selfish each follower was another step in his ascent, another sacrifice on his path to digital divinity. In every Grid and Megacity, similar figures rose, their dark ambitions mirroring Decius. Together, they formed a network of sects, an undercurrent of malevolence in an already oppressive reality. While they worked alongside the Rulers, they harbored their own agendas, each vying to become the supreme Dark God. Amid this chaos, whispers of resistance persisted. Some rebels believed that Decius’ sects, though destructive, could be exploited to fracture the Rulers’ unity. Others saw no difference between the sects and the dictatorship, viewing both as enemies of freedom. In the shadow of towering digital spires, Decius stood at the precipice of his dreams, poised to become both servant and master of the Grid. He gazed into the endless streams of data flowing through the city, his mind plotting the next move in his game of shadows and domination.
Innate Trigger : Decius the birth of a Neural Seraph
Release date : 7 – 1 – 2025
Music by : Innate Trigger