Innate Trigger – Tracking the bugshots


The broadcast began at dawn, with the encrypted signal being received by the devices of selected members of the armed resistance. The community of the Weirdo cult had ensured that the device codes were updated, making it impossible for the Overlords’ cyber warfare specialists to hack into them. Included in the transmission sent by Weirdo was the blueprint of the Bugshot rounds used by the Overlords’ snipers—specialized bullets that, in certain shots, implanted nanobots inside wounded resistance fighters, transmitting geographic data.

Through this method, the Overlord army had managed to carry out significant raids in recent times, costing lives and resources. The armed resistance could not afford to lose either fighters or the weapons and equipment they painstakingly manufactured and captured from ambushes against Overlord patrols. In today’s transmission, Weirdo informed the resistance about the Bugshot rounds and the nanobots they carried. From now on, the resistance would be aware of the threat and could begin working on ways to neutralize or completely remove the nanobots from the bodies of the wounded.

Once again, Weirdo and his cult had warned the resistance of the dangers they needed to avoid.

And it wouldn’t be the last time.

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