Innate Trigger – Major Alexey Lobov

Innate Trigger : Major Alexey Lobov

Several days have passed since the continuous surgeries on Major Alexey Lobov’s body, and the doctors in charge believe that he can start moving within the rebel base to ensure safety in case something goes wrong. The tests conducted by scientists and doctors in the controlled environment show that everything is going well, and the implants placed inside Major Alexey Lobov’s body are causing no problems. After these surgeries, his body will be connected to the exoskeleton and his helmet, and the implants in various parts of his body, as well as the neural connection linking him via the helmet to the rebel command’s information network, will allow him to function as a control center for various operations against the overlords.In addition, the exoskeleton connected to his body will monitor his vital signs and general biometric levels, and when needed, it will supply Major Alexey Lobov’s body with enhancement substances to help him cope with unexpected situations and dangers.All of the above, along with the additional armor of his exoskeleton, will constitute one of the new assets of the revolution against the
malicious plans of the overlords.It remains to be tested in real combat conditions, and that will not be long in coming for Major Alexey Lobov .

Innate Trigger : Major Alexey Lobov
Music by : Innate Trigger
Release date : 26 – 7 – 2024

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